Sunday, December 31, 2006

Last Day of the Year!

I sit here on the last day of Urbana and the last day of 2006 remembering and predicting. Every year I ask God to fulfill the same number of things I ask him to remove from life. This year it's three. Three things I would ask him to fulfill in my life, while helping me to rid my life of three things that do not glorify him. As I sit and ponder over the last year and God's faithfulness, I am amazed. My prayer for 2007 is Psalm 119:133 - Guide my steps as you promised; don't let sin control me. Just like the theme here at Urbana, which comes from Ephesians 4 - LIVE A LIFE WORTH OF THE CALLING!

Last night we were asked to give - give money. They asked that we would each give at least $60 to reach a goal of $1.25 million. At first my logical side kicked in. I am a missionary. I do not have enough money to give that much. I am thinking how much food I could buy with $60 (enough for a family to live off of for 2 weeks). But as I sat and spoke with God, he reminded me of the story of the woman who gave only the two coins she had. And I knew... I needed to give that amount. I knew that if I gave $60, I would not have enough money to pay the bills for the month, but I also knew that God ALWAYS provides for us, even more so when we are serving him with our resources and time. I wept as we sang How Great Thou Art, because for the first time in my life, I realized how it's what God truly wants. He wants us to know, in the very center of our being how much he loves us and takes care of us. It's much like doing something nice for someone you know will repay you for it. If there is anything I have learned this year, it is that God loves to repay us for our steps of faith. The thing is, we have to take them. Whatever, wherever, whenever God calls. The answer needs to be yes.
Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Urbana Day 3

Day three.
Here I am waiting to enter the exhibit hall during the most important day for us. It is fasting day, which means that students have no seminars to attend and only community meetings and prayer time. This means that many more of them than before will be visiting the exhibit hall. Pray that we would have good conversations and God would speak clearly to those whose hearts he's tugging at.

Last night was about cities - urban ministries. Than it went into HIV/Aids. We heard from Princess Zulu and Cathy Warren (Rick Warren's wife - don't worry, we'll hear from him tonite). The VP of World Vision and the ONE campaign introduced a friend of ours, who had a very personal and special message to us at Urbana 06. Bono shared how we can help make change through the ONE campaign. He jokingly referred to us as the respectable people and asked us to pray he wouldn't say something he shouldn't. As I was sitting there listening to Bono speak to the 20,000+ Urbana 06 delegates, I realized that this generation listens more intently to what someone like he has to say than some pastor from Sri Lanka. What we really need is more famous Christians. More missionaries to Hollywood, New York and D.C. As the youth of America changes, we need to re-think our strategies at reaching them. But that's all for another time and another person...I am here to hear what God has to say and to find those who God has already called to the Dominican Republic.
Keep praying!

Friday, December 29, 2006


Well, it's day two of Urbana. I sit here in the exhibit hall awaiting the devine appointments already planned by God. Who will come? With whom will I speak? Will they really understand the awesomeness of what God is doing in the Dominican Repbulic? Will they understand the passion with which God has called me to this country and these people? All these questions are only answered by God.
I am also acutely aware of my smallness. In a sea of people trying to help these college kids understand their calling, I feel insuficient. I don't want to convince anyone of anything. I don't need to. God is enough.
In the midst of these speakers being here to speak to college kids, I am also very aware of how God is speaking personally to me through each speaker. Ajith Fernanado is a short man from Sri Lanka and he is the teacher for all the Corinithians sermons. He is an amaizing man; humble and kind who always has a joke to tell. This morning he spoke on long term commitment. In this throw-away, temporary culture, we need to stop giving up on people so quickly. We need to begin to have long term commitment to people. WOW! Can we say speaking right into my recent doubts. He also shared how gratitude helps us to stay focused on Jesus and others. In this very self-focused society, gratitude helps us to look outward at all God has for us.
Thanks for all your prayers and support. Two more days, keep praying.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Celebrate - Jesus is born!

It's the day before Christmas Eve and everyone is in a frenzy buying, buying and buying some more. All the pigs and goats feared this day as all over the country as their kind is being wiped out so that we, the intelligent spieces, could feast tomorrow. And feast I will. Roasted pork, chicken and goat with rice and beans, plantains, potatoe salad and many other delicious foods you can only find in the Caribbean. I hope you all enjoy time with your family! Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Sometimes computers bother me...I had already written up this beautiful article and put the pictures and when I went to spell check it, it deleted everything. I can tell this country has changed me. I dont' let things like this get to me anymore. I think, oh well, this is normal. When I lived in the states, these kinds of things used to get me upset...

Well, the end of the semester came and went. Second grade had a Christmas party to celebrate. My students are so generous. Everyone brough something to share. The kids recieved a plate piled high with a quantity of junk food larger than thier average meal. I warned this kids to share with family and friends so as not to make themselves sick. One boy, Christian, decided he was going to eat all his food and five extra pieces of cake. He threw up three times. He was very mature about it - having learned a very good lesson. Don't eat too much junk food! A lesson that, as adults, we need to remember as we enter the yummiest time of year.

As the social commitments increase and work decreases, I am reminded that the reason of the season is Jesus. A child was born who would become the Savior of the world. Don't forget the real reason for celebrating! Spend some quiet time talking with Him and enjoying his presence!

Monday, December 11, 2006

M Bug!

It's official! I finally got my car! It's a yellow Volkswagon Beatle - 1979. I bought it on Saturday and was invited on a trip with the Cibao Volkswagon club on Sunday. The car here is considered a relic, an antique, but I think it's reliable and get's great gas milage. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO SUPPORTED ME!!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Signs this really IS my Home.

The last week has definitely been looking up. As the Christmas season gets into full gear here, I am shocked by a realization. This is the first year I can say it actually FEELS like Christmas. When you first move away to another place, at first it doesn't feel like a certain holiday because we are so accustomed to the weather a certain way, our environment a certain way and certain things happening. It is exciting to me, as I feel like I am on the up side of the culture shock swing, to know that this really is my home - it feels like Christmas. I decorated the house and am excited about getting to bring some of my family traditions here to my house to celebrate with my "family" and friends here. I also look forward to hearing from you through Christmas cards and email.
Another reason I know this is home is because I won't drive my motorcycle if it is raining. I will wait out the rain no matter where I am or how long it takes. Another reason is it feels cold to me, very cold. I was informed the other day that your body really does get used to where you live. The other day in Math class we where practicing with temperature. As I put on my second coat, thinking that it was freezing, I checked the thermometer to see that it was 70 degrees! I know the humidity makes it feel colder, but I thought how my California friends would be scoffing at my "freezing" experience.
As the count down goes to two weeks, I look forward to days of rest. I also look forward to Urbana and what an awesome 5 days that will be. I have no idea what God has in mind for us here at Doulos! That is exciting!