Monday, March 27, 2006


Don't forget my address changed. Check out March 6 blog!

Sorry it's taken so long to put another post. I have been very busy. I am sure you have seen the pics from the week my church was here. Thier visit was very encouraging to me and helped remind me of the big vision God has for this pueblo and this country. The week after they left we had report cards, so last week was very busy. I finally got a little chance to rest this weekend, but true to Dominican style spent that time visiting and maintaining my dominican relationships. God is so good and faithful. I am excited for Easter Break in two weeks. I think I might spend the whole week doing nothing buy watching movies and going to the river!

This morning our Doulos band led worship for our monthly Gran CelebraciĆ³n. They were awesome and are getting better all the time! Glenda, one of my brightest and most beautiful students, played the violin.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Today in Math III class we made monochords. We made them in order to help us understand how to solve equations with fractions. It was so much fun and the kids were so creative! Check out the pictures!

Monday, March 06, 2006

New Address!

I have a new address that goes into effect March 25th. Please send ALL mail to this address. Do not send anything to the old one, as there is no forwarding.
Tara Albert
Unit 3017- DDSDR
3170 Airmans Drive
Fort Pierce, FL 34946