Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Special Moments

Life here in this country changes so quickly from one day to the next. The last few weeks have been an up down roller coaster trying to figure out what God wants me to do. At first I thought maybe he wanted me to return to the United States to work and pay off my student loans. How good is our God though! He reminded me that this thought/desire came from my lack of faith. How could I say that God wasn't big enought to provide for my needs? How could I say that God would call me here only to send me away because of money? It was one of those moments where God asks us to take a step of faith. I took it...I am staying. I have made my plan/budget to pay off my loans and I know God will be faithful in providing all that I need. (Much to the relief of many friends and "family" here in the DR).

It was Friday evening. The patio of Frilandia's house is surrounded with candles (there is no electricity). There is a wonderful mix of people there - all to surprise Amanda for her birthday. The children are full of joy and the adults enjoy the moment of being together and sharing in such a wonderful celebration. Merengue music is put on the radio and we all begin to dance. I paused a moment to think how wonderful our God is because many of the people and children at this celebration have real reasons to doubt God - poverty, struggle and suffering. But for this one moment, this one instance, we all just enjoyed and celebrated how God is good and fills our years with his presence. This is one of the reasons I love it here. God has taught me to live in the precious moments he gives us and to pray through the hard ones (This too shall pass!).

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pray Please!

Please pray for interpersonal relationships in my life. Right now I feel like I am under attack. It seems that I am failing in all of them or it's just a test of my faith and patience.
PS - My kids are doing great!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

School Update

Lately I feel like I have finally become a Second grade teacher. My students have been able to do lots of projects and are learning so much. It is so good after one and half years of teaching this that I am beginning to feel competent. That's not to say I don't still have room for improvement, but it's an answer to prayer. I think being a teacher is a job that is never done, perfected or ever understood, but what a privilege to be following the example of our Lord!

Thank you to all who are supporting me in any way. I am continually amazed at God's faithfulness. The past three weeks have been very hard finacially. In the midst of the sacrafice and struggle, I new that God would provide. In that moment I was overwhelmed by my humanness. I do not deserve and am not worthy of God continueing to provide for me. It is such a wonderful picture of God's grace. To be in a totally dependent place and KNOW that God will provide. I wouldn't change this place for anything (even though it is difficult). My encouragement to you is trust God, I mean really trust him. Faith is stepping out onto nothing and KNOWING God has put something there.