Monday, December 04, 2006

Signs this really IS my Home.

The last week has definitely been looking up. As the Christmas season gets into full gear here, I am shocked by a realization. This is the first year I can say it actually FEELS like Christmas. When you first move away to another place, at first it doesn't feel like a certain holiday because we are so accustomed to the weather a certain way, our environment a certain way and certain things happening. It is exciting to me, as I feel like I am on the up side of the culture shock swing, to know that this really is my home - it feels like Christmas. I decorated the house and am excited about getting to bring some of my family traditions here to my house to celebrate with my "family" and friends here. I also look forward to hearing from you through Christmas cards and email.
Another reason I know this is home is because I won't drive my motorcycle if it is raining. I will wait out the rain no matter where I am or how long it takes. Another reason is it feels cold to me, very cold. I was informed the other day that your body really does get used to where you live. The other day in Math class we where practicing with temperature. As I put on my second coat, thinking that it was freezing, I checked the thermometer to see that it was 70 degrees! I know the humidity makes it feel colder, but I thought how my California friends would be scoffing at my "freezing" experience.
As the count down goes to two weeks, I look forward to days of rest. I also look forward to Urbana and what an awesome 5 days that will be. I have no idea what God has in mind for us here at Doulos! That is exciting!


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