
I know it's been awhile since my last update. My life has been extremely crazy lately. I am on my feet teaching from 8 until 3 and then am left with all my other responsibilities. I do usually get a chance to relax on the weekends and this Monday we have our first holiday - Praise the Lord! Pray that I would be intentional about the way I use my time.
In second grade we have been doing some awesome experiements about germs (pictured) and learning more addition and subtraction in Math. We got a generous donation from Mrs. Albert and my dad of wonderful books(pictured). The kids are still reading them! The kids had to turn in thier first formal report in Spanish class and for the most part did a wonderful job. Daily the kids amaze me with thier desire to seek and glorify Jesus. Please pray for my patience and my energy. My group of kids have more energy by 3pm then when they begin the day. I am almost always exhausted, but God always gives me the strength and energy I need.
Next week Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday first through third grades have Outdoor Education Week. This year we will be making a garden. Please pray for the teachers as this is a stressful and crazy week. Pray that the kids would see the beauty of God's creation and the why of taking care of it.
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