Three weeks to go!

I'm so crazy, I'm eating worms! (Though we did learn from Mario in Outdoor Education that worm hamburgers are very healthy!)
Well, life here is definatly in high gear until the end of the semester. There are so many projects and activities going on at the same time. Sometimes I wonder how God has enough energy to give each one of us. We will celebrate Thanksgiving on Friday with a dinner at my house (we have to work on Thursday since the DR doesn't celebrate Dia del Pavo - Turkey day). Saturday is a horse rally organized and hosted by our school (the jr highers idea!) with the proceeds going to Rehabilitation (Lion's Club). With three weeks left the staff needs all the prayers it can get. Please pray for health and strength to get everything done that needs to get done. As Dia del Pavo-Turkey day draws near, I long for my family and friends. Thanks to those who constantly keep me in thier thoughts and prayers! :)
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