Today we went to the Feather River Fish Hatchery. We learned all about the California Salmon and Steelhead.
Hoy fuimos al criadero de peces del rio "Feather River." Aprendimos del salmon de california y de otro pez "Steelhead."

Salmon migrate from the ocean to the hatchery where they were born. They are then herded into pens where they are sorted for breeding.
Salmon migra del mar al criadero donde nacieron. Depues estan juntados en guardarias donde estan organizados para reproducir.

The fish that are ready to breed are then killed. The eggs are removed from the females and the milt from the males. They are then combined in storage facilities where they will incubate until term.
Los peces que estan listos para reproducir, los matan. Sacan los huevos de las hembras y el "milt" de los varones. Despues se mezclan los dos en lo que parecen cajones grandes donde estan guardados hasta que cumplen su tiempo.

The baby fish are then kept outside in small tanks covered with mesh so the birds can't get them. When they are adolescent fish they are then released where they will make their way to the ocean to begin the process over again.
Los peces bebes se guardan en tanques chiquitos que estan cubiertos en algo para que los aves no se los comen. Cuando son peces adolecentes estan soltados al rio donde migran al mar donde empieza el ciclo otra vez.

Don't worry. The fish that are salvageable are given to the Native Americans and poor. The ones that aren't fit to eat are taken to the rendering plant.
No te preocupes. Los peces que se puede comer estan regalados a los indios nativos de los estados unidos o a los pobres.