Honeymoon La Luna de Miel

We went to Napa Valley for our honeymoon. It was incredible. We learned so much about grapes and the wine making process.
Fuimos a la valle de Napa para nuestra luna de miel. Fue increible. Aprendimos mucho acerca de las uvas y el proceso de hacer vino.

We saw great sights. We ate tasty food. We drank good wine.
Vimos algunas vistas grandiosas. Comimos comida muy sabrosa. Bebimos vinos ricos.

We stayed at an amazing inn called the Candlelight Inn in Napa. Each room we stayed in - we got to stay in two - were unique and special in their own right.
Nos quedamos en un hotel lindo que se llama Candlelight Inn (Luz de la vela). Cada habitacion donde nos quedamos - tuvimos el privilegio de quedarnos en dos - fue unica y especial.

Our trip to Napa not only represents the beginning or our adventure together, but also a wonderful experience to add to our lists.
Nuestro viaje a Napa no solamente representa el comienzo de nuestra aventura juntos, sino tambien una experiencia increible para poner en la lista.

so did y'all go on the Napa River Adventures', or hit up the Spas & Mud Baths, or maybe even the museum and educational center that celebrates America’s passion with food and wine. what ever you did i'm stoked that ya'll had a good time.
-mark and ciara
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