These are the women in my small group at the Women's Retreat.

We were asked to pick some things that represent God's glory for us. For me it is the mountains. There is something so magestic and strong about the mountains; and here they are always intense green and full of life. They take on an even bigger picture of God's glory for me to think about how many people live up in those mountains and survive (life is extremely hard in the DR mountains). The other thing that expresses God's glory for me is the rain. For all the reasons one could think of.

This weekend was the women's retreat. It was such a good time of rest and relaxation. The theme of the weekend was God's glory; giving God glory. What does it mean to glorify God? and How can we do that? It was a weekend full of grace for me. I have recently felt much like a failure, much like someone who can't meet any of God's standards for me or my life. I feel like whatever God wants me to do, I am doing the opposite. So to have our Heavenly Father meet me in the midst of that and remind me that it doesn't matter what state of sin I am in, to always give him thanks and glory. Because ultimately giving God glory has nothing to do with me. It's not about me, about how much I am or am not living up to any standards or the things I am doing. It's all about Him receiving the glory for the amazing things he does in me and my life. Praise the Lord!