I made it!

Oh my goodness! I finally made it back to Chico. I know I haven't been good about keeping up on my blog, sorry. That trip from the DR to California seems to get longer and longer every time I come. I am in my first full day in Chico and it is surreal.
Some of my observations:
1. Everything here is so BIG!
2. The toilet paper is softer.
3. Carpet is wonderful.
4. We make a lot of decisions in each day (flavors, soda, work, play, food, etc)
5. We have a lot of stuff.
6. The food is very rich and flavorful, but not as satisfying in some strange way.
7. We are more blessed than over 3/4 of the world.
One of my North American friends says that God knew she needed lots of comfort in order to have faith in him, that's why he had her born in North America. I think about my Dominican friends that struggle to put food on the table and buy pencils for thier kids to study. As I re-enter a place that was once so familiar and now is so foreign, I am reminded that God has a purpose in all things and all people. God knew from before I was born what he was calling me to do. As I feel so uncomfortable in a place that I love, I trust in God.