Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I made it!

Me on the carpet!
I know it's different!

Oh my goodness! I finally made it back to Chico. I know I haven't been good about keeping up on my blog, sorry. That trip from the DR to California seems to get longer and longer every time I come. I am in my first full day in Chico and it is surreal.

Some of my observations:

1. Everything here is so BIG!

2. The toilet paper is softer.

3. Carpet is wonderful.

4. We make a lot of decisions in each day (flavors, soda, work, play, food, etc)

5. We have a lot of stuff.

6. The food is very rich and flavorful, but not as satisfying in some strange way.

7. We are more blessed than over 3/4 of the world.

One of my North American friends says that God knew she needed lots of comfort in order to have faith in him, that's why he had her born in North America. I think about my Dominican friends that struggle to put food on the table and buy pencils for thier kids to study. As I re-enter a place that was once so familiar and now is so foreign, I am reminded that God has a purpose in all things and all people. God knew from before I was born what he was calling me to do. As I feel so uncomfortable in a place that I love, I trust in God.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Last Day of School

I made it! Today was the last day. I am sitting here waiting for my last few parents to show up for parent conferences. All my stuff is packed in boxes, labeled and waiting to be moved to the other building where I get a bigger classroom (and four more students = 20). I am so excited to be able to relax and sleep until 10 if I wanted. I am excited to visit the states and all my family and friends. Mostly I am excited because I am so proud of my students and of myself. We worked so hard this year and I am so proud of the growth and accomplishments they've made this year. Teaching is a hard thing to do, but it's moments like these that make it worth it. To know you've made a difference in the life of child...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Last Week!

Well, we finished our expedition on Australian animals and gave our presentation last Wednesday. Now, tomorrow is the last day of school. This week has been insane. I can't seem to keep track of my brain lately. Please pray for peace.

On a good note, my amoeba seems to have gone away - praise the Lord. Thanks for all the prayers and support. I will be back in the states on June 26 to give you personal accounts of this year. I will try to update before than.

Monday, June 04, 2007


Sorry it has been so long since an update. Things are super busy this time of year as other teachers can testify to! My class is working hard on its Expedition - Australian Animals and making thier zoo. Our presentation is this Wednesday. The last day of school is next Wednesday.

Pray!! Please pray for me. I have an amoeba. I have had it for a few weeks now and it is zapping all my energy. I am very thankful to the Lord though, because most people who get amoebas are in the hospital for many days. (I still might have to go if I don't get better) I am also thankful that I have lived here 3 years and this is the first time I am battling a very common affliction to foreigners. However, please pray that I would be healed before I return to the states.