Well, it's been almost week now that I have been in the states and suprisingly it's becoming more normal by the day. A few things I've noticed right away.
1. There is always some message from somewhere that lets you know there's something wrong with you. Maybe it's just been so long since I've been here, but one thing I know for sure, the biggest thing wrong with you in the DR is that your clothes aren't clean. It's amazing at how the media is directed at how much we need _____________ to be normal (not even good, but to be normal!). It's been a struggle since I've been back to remember that I'm a beautiful creation of God and that what's inside matters more than what's outside. I rarely struggle with that in the DR.
2. People here are just more busy. NOT necessarily more productive, but more busy. I suddenly need an agenda to keep track of all my appointments and engagements. In the DR, you aim for getting two things done in a day. I suddenly have nothing to do and yet the day has flown by and I feel exhausted at all the busyness. I defiantly ask God to help me enjoy and be thankful for each moment.
3. It's HOTTTTT! I mean it's hot in the DR, but not like this. I think I melted today!
If you get a chance to read the book
Outcry in the Barrio by Freddie & Ninfa Garcia (it's in English), it's an awesome story about how God is big enough to rescue everyone. They are a couple on the street, addicted to many things. They are rescued by the saving power of Jesus Christ. It's an inspirational book and a great read (written in first person).
It's been encouraging as I meet with supporters and God continues to be faithful in providing for next year's finances. I am about 1/2 way to raising all the monthly support I need. Keep praying - it works!