Well, school's back in full swing. It is amazing what a whole week of doing nothing can do to refresh your soul! I spent the week hanging out with my friends and relaxing. I think most days I slept at least twice. For those of you who are teachers, you know that the stretch from January to Spring Break is a long one. Only by God's grace did I make it. It's really good, though, to be doing something again. After all, God did design us as productive beings.
One of the really cool things I did during the break was go to the campo. We had maĆz con dulce or chaca. It is basically corn stewed with sugar, milk, raisins, cinamon and cloves over an open fire. It is really good and is a yearly tradition during this time of year.
I am reading a book right now that is awesome. If you have a hard time controling your emotions, or have a hard time not letting them control you, then you need to read this book. It is Controling Your Emotions, by Joyce Myers. God has really brought to my attention lately that I need to be obedient to His word and not my emotions.
Next week is Outdoor Education Week. Five teachers and I will be taking 28 6th and 7th graders to the beach to study the reef, among other things. Please begin to pray for safety and guidance for those of us in charge of the trip.