This last week has been a challenge. God has really been teaching me about controlling my emotions. These kids are a daily challenge to love, but I know that is why God has called me to do it! Last week, during one of our classes, we took time to share one quality we like about each person. It was great to see the kids focus on the best in one another. When it came time for me to share one thing about each of them (I am the teacher after all), I was overwhelmed with how much I love them, but how God's love for them is even greater and more profound. As tears came to my eyes I wanted to communicate to them how beautiful and precious they are in God's eyes. They were understanding; after all its not everyday a teacher cries in class, but it was definitely humbling for me and bonding for all of us! God is transforming these kids into the future leaders of this pueblo, and leaders that love Him! Hallelujah! Keep praying, there is still a lot of healing the has to happen in a lot of these kids lives. Thank you so much for your support in God's kingdom work here!
I have no greater joy than this, to hear that my children (or students) walk in the truth. :) 3John1:4 (My translation from Spanish - couldn't find my English bible at the moment)