God is Good!

Sorry for the long delay between posts. The main computer here at school went kaputz and we've been without one for a while now. Praise the Lord it's been restored. Life here is as usual. I also posted many new pics to check out. My life is very full with many new relationships. I spend a lot of my time hanging out with adolescents. God is really teaching me patience. This Saturday is my 24th birthday and I can't believe it. 24 was the age I always wanted to be because it's not young and not old (or so I thought), but now I don't really feel much different from a few years ago, when I thought that. Praise God he has transformed me since then! :)
Last Sunday a visiting pastor from Chula Vista, CA brought a prophetic word to our church about the young people and it is awesome to watch God doing miracles! Everyday I see a new way that Jesus loves us. I am so immensely blessed. Today was a little rough(ruff - Dad, do you remember?), but working with such emotional kids tends to that sometimes. Praise God that it is not about how we feel, but about what he is doing in our lives!
That last line has so much truth! Keep rockin' Tara!
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