First Cockroaches, then Spiders!

I was house-sitting for another missionary family, when I encountered this beast. I came home from a long day at work and walked into my room. As I was changing my clothes, I turned around and came face to face with this thing as big as the front part of my tennis shoe. I remembered from my science class that these tarantulas are neither poisonous nor aggressive. Nonetheless I didn't want to awake in the middle of the night with a giant tarantula on my face, so I decided to get it out of the room. First I threw a show at it and it did nothing, so then I pushed it with a broom out into the hallway. As we reached the hallway, the cat came walking by. I thought, "Phew, for sure the cat will attack it." No such luck. The cat just idly glanced at it and walked away. So I as I tried to push it outside it quickly darted into a closet and I locked it in there. Case solved.
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