End of the trip to the States

It is my last day here in the states. It has seemed like a fast trip, but really was one month! I have been blessed and refreshed in so many ways. It truly was an answer to prayers after this very difficult year. I am so excited to go back and share with my friends and "family" in the DR.
As I thought about certain stores some of my Dominican friends would love to go to, but also the overwhelming feeling of TOO much, God reminded me of how it is a great example of him. After living in a place where you get two options (and one isn't a real option because it isn't good), walking into any store you are hit with a sense of being overwhelmed. So many choices, so much abundance (and in only one store!). It is a great picture of God's love for us; so abundant. He is love and can't help but love us! Or a buffet is a great example. I couldn't believe it when I could chose anything I wanted and eat all I could! It gave me a great example of what God's banquet will be like.
I was refreshed by the messages I heard at my church this month and even downloaded the ones I missed. It is a series on the myths that make us miserable and the truth that sets us free. Check it out, because it is so much the truth that I have learned living in a developing nation and you can hear about it right here in the states!
Thank you to all you helped make this month a huge blessing. I pray that God would bring more blessing and grace into your life, as he did mine this month. See you in the DR!!!