Summer in Chico
So far my vacation has been going well. I have gotten to spend some time with Maia, my best friend, Beth's 5 month old daughter.

I am reading about marriage since I am engaged and mostly what I've begun to understand is it is one of the ultimate incarnate examples in life of dying to ourselves and our selfish natures in order to serve someone else. As I spent time with Maia and Beth, I realized that having children is the other ultimate incarnate example on this earth of dying to our selfish nature. I am sure no parent says it is easy, but I would hope if they are seeking Jesus, they would say it was worth it.

I have also spent a lot of time with my family. It has been good. There are times when it all feels so normal and natural and other moments where culture shock sets in and I feel like I am a foreigner in a strange place.