Almost Break!

It's the last week of school before vacation. We are all very excited to have some time of rest. I am very excited to be spending time here without any specific agenda! I am also excited that Beth Reid and Lindsay Fox will arrive on the 26th! (I'm counting the days ladies!)
I am having a large hanging bench made for my front porch, sort of a Christmas present to myself. I am very excited as it will enable us to hang out on the front porch(a frequent activity here) and visit with more neighbors. As soon as I get my new camera battery charger (lost the other one in the states in Nov) in the mail (Tues) and charge my battery I will take a pic and post it.
I hope you all are having a wonderful December. As you are reminded of our Savior's birth, remember how much forgiveness he has given you. I read the book Forgive and Build Bridges by John Bevere and he reminds us that those who have been forgiven much, forgive much. So think on all forgiveness God has poured out on your life and spread it by forgiving others. "When we love others like Jesus loves us, we will continue being free even when the other person decides they don't want to reconcile with us." (Quote translated by me)