The Zoo!

I took my kids to the zoo today. It was fun. After 9 hours and a splitting headache I sit here writing to you some of the wonderful moments. The kids were all wonderful. They had so much fun and got to see so many animals they had never seen before. After seeing all the big animals, we had lunch. We ate lunch near this playground full of public school kids. They were yelling, pushing, hitting, not waiting thier turn or being very nice. I thought, here's the test Lord. After a wonderful time of them being good examples to the other kids, we began to pick up trash. As we were the only ones, in the midst of around 100 kids playing, some of them stopped to help us. That was a miracle I witnessed today. People here are taught to throw trash on the ground and never pick it up. Despite the challanges I face with this class, after today I am very thankful the Lord has brought them into my life. They have helped me grow in patience and perserverance.
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