Challenging Week

My kids are challanging me this week in ways I've never known. As they bicker and fight like never before I begin to doubt if they are even paying attention during our devotion time and activities. Last week was Outdoor Education Week. Check out the stories and pictures on the Second grade blog (link on the right).

Griselda is not more stable. She has had some analysis' done. She has had no damage to her brain and is in a coma. The doctors are hopeful that she will wake up as they continue to give her more blood. This is the first time in my life that I have been so close to such violence. It challanges my faith with the usual questions of "why would God allow this?", "was God present with her when this man brutally beat and chopped at her with his machete?", "can God be trusted, than, to redeem the situation?". Deep down I know the answers to all these questions. I know God's plan is to bring glory to his name. Oh, that he would bring comfort to those of us that need it...

Braulio's visa appointment is on Tuesday. As we get all the letters and paper work that we need, I am challanged in my faith. Yesterday was mail day and the letter of invitation from the church (mailed three weeks ago) did not arrive. I still have a faxed version of the letter. It is God's little reminder that even if I plan and prepare and organize, He's still ultimately in control. My first reaction is it's not fair because I am repsonsible and prepared. God is still in control!!! His will, will done and ultimately it will be better.
Despite all these challanges in my faith, I am deeply thankful. I'm thankful for these challanges, as they grow my faith. I am thankful for my "family" here. I am thankful that I have the honor of living and serving Jesus here. I am thankful that I can see and experience the best of two cultures. I am thankful for so many people in the states who love me and support me. I am thankful for all that God is doing in thier lives. The list could go on and I am sure I would still forget something. In this time of Thanksgiving, try to remember these things every day - not just one Thursday in November. Thank you to all of you who've sent me Holiday greetings.
hi! i traveled to DR with grace bible church on a few mission trips to help the wallaces with doulos....braulio helped our team and i was wondering what u meant by him getting a he traveling to the states? if you have any info on our friend, my email is and God bless!
-abbey b, college station, texas
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