Extraño el Otoño

Well, here I am in the states. The wedding is two days and counting. It's all very exciting. My friend Renae asked me last night what do I miss about here and what do I miss about the DR when I am here. The answer to both is the people and the relationships that I have. God is so faithful in providing community wherever I am!
It has been a very busy week, meeting with donors, meeting new family, seeing old friends and preparing for a wedding. Today I am spending with my dear friend Beth Reid (www.bethjreid.blogspot.com) in her spanish class. Her students are pen-pals with my jr high students and I am so excited to share with both classes and take pics to show my kids.
I miss the colors of fall. I have taken many pictures of the leaves, like the one shown. Chico is one of the most beautiful places in fall and it's been fun wearing winter clothes (even though everyone else tells me that it is really hot here for right now, I don't believe them).
Thanks for all your prayers and support. Keep praying!
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