One Whole Month!

Ok, so it's been almost a month sans communication on my part. I am sorry about that. During vacation I did not have internet access. I hope you all received my newsletter (let me know if you are not on the mailing list and want to be:
Well, the first two weeks of vacation were very busy. I was busy helping out with all the Christmas activities at my church. There were 3 different cell-group Christmas dinners I had the privilege of helping out with. Then there was dinner on the 24th. Here they don't celebrate Christmas day. The 24th they have family dinner and spend the day with family. They open presents on January 6th - Three Kings Day. You can check out the pics under Christmas parties.
Then my two very good soul-friends, Beth & Lindsay, came to visit me. An honor I did not deserve, but that is why God has put them in my life - to remind me of his undeserved love. We had a great time and enjoyed many things. We saw the water falls, went paragliding, went to the beach and just enjoyed each other's presence.
The last week of vacation (there were three) I spend preparing for school and battling some sort of sickness. I watched a lot of movies and spent time learning more about God's unconditional mercy. I am reading books in Spanish right now, or I would suggest them to read, they are amazing. I am reading one about raising your kids in Christ and even though I do not have children, I am able to apply so much to my teaching.
Now that things are back to normal I will keep you posted as regularly as possible. Please pray for my future ministry involvement here in Jarabacoa, DR and also that God would bring radical transformation to my life this year. I want more!
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