Busy life!

This last Saturday was Pachi (Patricia - 3rd grade teacher) and Ricardo's wedding. It was very beautiful. I got to spend the time previous to the wedding with her and her family. It was a lot of fun and I was blessed by what God is doing in their lives. Check out the pics online! ->
School is kind of crazy right now. It's the big push to the end of the semester and finishing up everything. Please pray for unconditional love for the kids. I am struggling as they continue to push limits that have been set from the beginning of the year. Jr high kids are different from little kids in that they NEVER stop trying to push the boundaries.
I am so thankful for each one of the jr highers and am blessed as Jesus teaches me to die to myself and my desires a little more everyday. Thank you for all your prayers and please keep praying. Love to all!
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