No power, but not from blackouts.

I sit here on a Friday afternoon overwhelmed by the sound of the hard rain on the tin roof. The sound fills my whole body and just makes me want to be curled up in my bed with a good book, feeling safe and warm.
Two days ago thieves stole our power lines - the actual wire that carries the electricity - only 11 days after we replaced them from the previous power line theft. This makes the count at 3 times. This time, however, they only stole the part in front of our house because there are no street lights. It made me begin to feel very uneasy in my own home. I mean I know they already stole the line, so they won't come back, but it makes me realize that it really is Jesus who protects me as I live here. I also wonder, who is so desperate? In this country there isn't a single person who doesn't have a struggle with lights - rich and poor alike. Everyone has at least spent some part of thier life living without electricity. So to think that someone would be so desperate, makes me realize even more how imporant it is to show that Jesus can make the difference.
Please pray for our neighborhood as well as the people responsible for this act. Pray that the economy would improve so people wouldn't be tempted to steal.
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