After three years, still learning...

This last weekend was the celebration of Independence Day - Feb 27. We had a four day weekend. One day I went to the beach and one day I slept almost the whole day. It was wonderful to have a chance to rest and relax. My trip to the beach was typical of a Dominican Trip. While my American friends spent thier four days sunning and relaxing on the beach, I decided to only go one day, so my Dominican friends would go with me. I learned a lot about myself and was confronted with my cultural ideas.
We agreed that we would meet at my friend Griebys (Gravy + s) house and leave no later than 8:30am. It is a two hour trip to the beach from Jarabacoa. We didn't leave until 11:45am. Then once we were on the way, a friend called and said he could now come, would we wait for him. Of course we would.
Now I am used to this type of thing. It's not that Dominican's are always late or that they are lazy or any such thing. It's just that the most important thing is the group and we won't leave until everyone is ready. After a few more stops and great pics we finally arrived at the beach at 2:00pm. We then, of course, had to eat.
I finally hit the chair and the sun at 2:30pm, while my Dominican friends played volleyball, played in the ocean or played in the sand. (Note to self - not at any moment did they actually sit in a lounge chair). At 4:40 I was promptly told that we were going to leave. I couldn't believe my ears. There was no way. I thought surely we would there until late in the night, seeing as how we arrived late.
LESSON: Dominicans do not go to the beach to relax. Dominincans go to the beach to play and play hard. If I want to lay around in the sun all day, I need to go to the beach with my North American friends.
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