Arriving Llegando

Well everyone, we arrived safely in Sacramento. From now on the blog will be in both English & Spanish in order to be able to share our experiences with our Dominican friends. After 4 take-offs and landings, Braulio is an expert at flying. During the first rough patch of turbulence, I grabbed his arm and said turbulence makes me nervous. He looked at me and said it's just a few more pot holes in the road. That made me laugh out loud and not be so nervous during turbulence.
Bueno todos, llegamos bien en Sacramento. De ahora en adelante el blog estara en ingles y espanol para poder compartir con nuestros amigos en la Rep. Dom. Despues de 4 despueges y atterisajes Braulio es un experto en volar. Durante una turbulencia bien fuerte, le agarre su brazo y dije que la turbulencia me pone nerviosa. El me miro y dijo que solamente hay que pasar unos ollos mas. Eso me hizo reir and quito los nervios durante otras turbulencias.
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