Always learning...

Braulio working
As I think more and more about making Braulio's reality and mine into one, there is so much I realize we may never come to understand about the other. I realize that I chose this life here, he does not. It is the only life he has ever known. I cannot wait someday to share with him the other part of my life (in the US) so that we may be able to chose together! Henri Nouwen's words once again more articulately convay the truth of living here...
The winds cover everything with thick layers of dust; water has to be hauled up in buckets from below and boiled to be drinkable; there is seldom a moment of privacy, with kids walking in and out all the time, and the thousands of loud sounds make silence a faraway dream. I love living here, but I am also glad that I can escape it for two hours a day and for one day a week. Living here not only makes me aware that I have never been poor, but also that my whole way of being, thinking, feeling, and acting is molded by a culture radically different from the one I live in now. I am surrounded by so many safety systems that I would not be allowed to become truly poor. If I were to become seriously ill, I would be sent back to the United States and given the best possible treatment. As soon as my life or health were really threatened, I would have many people around me willing to protect me.
At the moment, I feel that a certain realism is necessary. I am not poor as my neighbors are. I will never be and will not ever be allowed to be by those who sent me here. I have to accept my own history and live out my vocation, without denying that history. On the other hand, I realize that the way of Christ is a self-emptying way. What that precisely means in my own concrete life will probably remain a lifelong question.
Henri Nouwen, Gracias, Wednesday January 20
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